
3 unusual facts about Mount Meru

Mantled guereza

caudatus, found in Tanzania and Kenya in the forests surrounding Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru.


Just a couple of hundred yards from the great stupa and bell lies the beautiful white Hsinbyume or Myatheindan Pagoda with a distinctive architectural style modelled after the mythical Mount Meru (Myinmo taung), built in 1816 by Bodawpaya's grandson and successor Bagyidaw and dedicated to the memory of his first consort Princess Hsinbyume (Lady of the White Elephant, granddaughter of Bodawpaya, 1789–1812) who died in childbirth.


The region is mentioned again in 12:14 as a region to the east of the great Mount Meru.

Jackson's chameleon

The subspecies T. j. merumontanus can only be found on Mount Meru and the Arusha Region of Tanzania.

see also


In the Puranas, Venkatadri is believed to be a part of Mount Meru, which was brought on to the earth from Vishnu's abode Vaikuntam by his mount Garuda.