
unusual facts about Mount Suribachi


Ira H. Hayes, assisted in the raising of the American flag on Mount Suribachi on 23 February 1945, depicted in Joe Rosenthal's iconic photograph.

see also

Charles W. Lindberg

The first U.S. flag was raised and planted on top of Mount Suribachi from 10:20 to 10:37 a.m.; the second flag raising about 1 p.m. Captain Dave E. Severance, the commander of "Easy" Company, 2nd Battalion, 28th Marines, ordered Lt. Schrier to take a patrol to raise an American flag at the summit to signal to others that it had fallen.

Raymond Jacobs

Jacobs spent his later years working hard to prove that he was the Marine radio operator photographed by Louis R. Lowery, (a photographer with Leatherneck magazine), standing beneath the first American flag raised by Marines on Mount Suribachi.