
unusual facts about Movement for Democratic Change

Parliament of Zimbabwe

ZANU-PF (41)
MDC-T (24)
MDC-Mutambara (6)

1950s in Southern Rhodesia

Morgan Tsvangirai, the head of the Movement for Democratic Change, was born in Gutu, Masvingo Province on 10 March 1952.

2007 Zimbabwean coup d'état attempt

Gilbert Kagodora, treasurer for the Movement for Democratic Change political party in Mashonaland Central, said he and Matapo were arrested by men whom he suspects work for the Central Intelligence Organization at 2pm on May 29 in Harare.

Amos Midzi

He ran as the ZANU-PF candidate for Mayor of Harare, the capital, in March 2002, but was defeated by Elias Mudzuri of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).

April 2007 in Africa

In Zimbabwe investigating officer Wellington Ngena accuses the Government of South Africa's Scorpions intelligence department of training members of the Movement for Democratic Change in combat to overthrow the Government of Zimbabwe.

February 2007 in Africa

Police in Zimbabwe ban rallies in parts of Harare that are seen as strongholds of the opposition party Movement for Democratic Change.

Human rights in Zimbabwe

The Opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), led by Morgan Tsvangirai, won both the parliamentary election and the first round of the presidential, sparking a run-off in a latter.

Opposition gatherings are frequently the subject of brutal attacks by the police force, such as the crackdown on a March 11, 2007 Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) rally.

Langton Towungana

His opponents were Morgan Tsvangirai of the Movement for Democratic Change, Simba Makoni, another independent candidate, and incumbent President Robert Mugabe of ZANU-PF.

Nyasha Chikwinya

She was elected to the House of Assembly in 1995, representing the Harare North constituency, but lost her seat in the 2000 elections, coming in second with just 4,852 votes, compared to 18,976 for Trudy Stevenson of the Movement for Democratic Change.

see also

Mugabe's Zimbabwe

Joseph Msika, the second Vice-president of Zimbabwe, Ms. Clare Short (British Secretary of State for International Development (1997–2003), Professor Arthur Mutambara (Deputy prime Minister of Zimbabwe (2009-present) and Leader of the Opposition Party Movement for Democratic Change and Archbishop Pius Ncube (Former Archbishop of Bulawayo Zimbabwe), a political refugee.

Raila Doctrine

Another Example is Morgan Tsvangirai who is the leader of the Movement for Democratic Change - Tsvangirai (MDC-T).