As well as television the game was also broadcast live on BBC Radio while black and white newsreel footage from both Pathé and Movietone was screened in cinemas that evening.
Both major cinema newsreels, Pathé and Movietone covered the game for broadcast in their newsreels that evening throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Movietone News, a company producing cinema newsreels from the 1920s onwards
Movietone Records,a budget subsidiary of 20th Century Fox' record division
Movietone News | New Movietone Follies of 1930 | Movietone | Movietone sound system | Movietone Records |
Babubhai was a regular art director for various movies produced Wadia Movietone owned by JBH and Homi Wadia brothers along with Fearless Nadia.
After death of Himanshu Rai, founder of from Bombay Talkies Studio in 1940, a group led by producer Sashadhar Mukherjee along woth with production controller Rai Bahadur Chunilal, actor Ashok Kumar and Mukherjee, broke away to establish the Filmistan studio in March 1943 at the premises of old Sharada Movietone studios in Goregaon, Mumbai.
He reached San Francisco on July 25, 1929, where he was received by Mayor (and future California governor) James Rolph, together with the cameras of Fox Movietone News.
At a time when North-American TV program gathering was dominated by either Movietone (see also Movietone News) or magnetic pre-striping for live-sound recording, and the use of pilottone was still unheard of, according to Diercks the US TV networks were impressed with the system demonstrated by the 60-minute documentary feature.