
unusual facts about Mtskheta-Mtianeti

Giorgi Khachidze

In December 2004, he was appointed State Attorney for Mtskheta-Mtianeti district by the President of Georgia.

Adarnase I of Iberia

He is identified by the art historian Wachtang Djobadze with the honorary consul Adarnase (Adrnerse hypatos) recorded on an inscription from the Jvari Monastery at Mtskheta, Georgia.

Byzantine–Sasanian War of 572–591

Most of the Kingdom of Iberia, including the cities of Ardahan, Lori, Dmanisi, Lomsia, Mtskheta, and Tontio became Byzantine dependencies.

Grapevine cross

According to traditional accounts, the cross of St Nino was kept at Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta until 541.

Kura River

Trading centers were established in time, including one at Mingachevir in Azerbaijan and another at Mtskheta in Georgia.

Nana of Iberia

The royal saints are said to have been buried at the Samtavro convent in Mtskheta, where their tombs are still shown.

Stephen I of Iberia

The exterior stone plaque of the church of the Holy Cross at Mtskheta, Georgia, mentions the principal builders of this church: Stephanos the patricius, Demetrius the hypatos, and Adarnase the hypatos who have traditionally been equated by the Georgian scholars with Stephen I, son of Guaram; Demetre, brother of Stephen I and Adarnase I.

see also