The film is the solo directorial debut by Kongkiat Khomsiri, who had previously been among seven directors on Art of the Devil 2, and had written the screenplay for The Unseeable.
Growing up in Chaiya, Surat Thani Province, three boys, Piak, Pao and Samor, are followers of Pao's brother, Krang (Prawit Kittichanthira), a legendary muay Thai fighter who is taught by Pao's father, Tew (Samart Payakaroon).
Thai | Thai people | Thai language | Muay Thai | Royal Thai Navy | Thai cuisine | Royal Thai Air Force | Thai alphabet | Royal Thai Army | Thai rock | Thai Forest Tradition | Thai baht | Royal Thai Police | Thai curry | Thái Bình Province | Thai Airways | Phu Thai language | Krung Thai Bank | Don Muang Royal Thai Air Force Base | Dang Thai Son | Thai Short Film and Video Festival | Thai general election, 2011 | Thai (ethnic group) | Thai Binh Province | Thái Bình | Royal Thai General System of Transcription | Northern Thai people | Nakhon Thai | muay Thai | Tiong Thai King |