
unusual facts about Mudam


Curd Duca

Vienna (rhiz, flex), Berlin (Volksbühne / Red Salon), Munich (Ultraschall), Zürich (Rote Fabrik), London (sprawl), Barcelona (Sónar), New York (ACNY), Miami (MLP), Luxembourg (Mudam), et al.

Simon Lamunière

He also designs and curates the website of the documenta X directed by Catherine David in Kassel in 1996 and contributes to the creation of the Museum of Modern Art (Mudam) website in Luxembourg with Claude Closky artist, Jean-Charles Massera writer and art critic and Benjamin Weil, curator.

Thomas Scheibitz

Solo shows include the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London (1999), Berkeley Art Museum, San Francisco (2001), Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig (2001), the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (2001), Centre d’Art Contemporain, Geneva (2004), Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin (2007), Camden Arts Centre, London (2008), and Musée d' Art Moderne, Luxembourg (2008).

see also