
unusual facts about Mudslide


On December 14, 1999 in Vargas, Venezuela, a mudslide known as The Vargas tragedy, which significantly altered more than 60 kilometers (37 mi) of its coastline, was triggered due to heavy rainfall and caused estimated damages of USD $1.79 to $3.5 billion, a death toll considered to be between 10,000 and 30,000, 85,000 people evacuated and led to the complete collapse of the state's infrastructure.


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2008 Shanxi mudslide

The entire village of Yunhe was inundated by the mudslide, including an outdoor market crowded with customers.

2010–11 South Pacific cyclone season

A mudslide was reported between Hawkes Crag and Fern Arch on State Highway 6 between Westport and Inangahua Junction.

Hurricane Jeanne

By September 17, heavy rains totaling about 13 inches (330 mm) in the northern mountains of Haiti caused severe flooding and mudslides in the Artibonite region of the country, causing particular damage in the coastal city of Gonaïves, where it affected about 80,000 of the city's 100,000 residents.

see also