
unusual facts about Muhammadiyah

Abdul-Vahed Niyazov

Prof. Dr. SirajuddinSyamsuddin, Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Doctrine


Muhammadiyah |

Amien Rais

In 1993, at a Muhammadiyah mid-term meeting ( Tanwir ) in Surabaya, Rais urged a presidential succession, a very rare issue amid the New Order regime.


Ahmad Dahlan (1868-1923) - founder of the Indonesian Muslim organisation Muhammadiyah

Laskar Pelangi

The Bangka Belitung Provincial government declared some of the locations used in the film as areas of importance to culture and tourism in 2010, and provincial tourism chief Yan Megawandi said the decision was "primarily" made to help raise funds for the Muhammadiyah elementary school on which the film and novel's story are centered.

see also