
unusual facts about Mukden

245th Motor Rifle Division

The 363rd Motor Rifle Regiment joined the 122nd Guards Motor Rifle Division in the city of Aleysk, and the 376th Guards Motor Rifle Yassy-Mukden Order of the Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Regiment joined the division from the 122nd Guards MRD.

Dugald Christie

He was the grandson of Dr Dugald Christie (Christie of Mukden) - a Scottish Presbyterian missionary doctor who founded the Mukden Medical College in Shenyang, China.

Far Eastern Front

On August 19, the Far East Front continued its routing of the Kwantung Army by capturing Harbin and Mukden.

Manchukuo National Airways

The airline had a "hub" in Hsinking and was linked by regular flight routes from Harbin, Shamussi (Kiamusze), Kirin, Mukden, Antung, Chinchow, Chengde, Tsitsihar, Hailar, and the Kwantung Leased Territory and Korea areas, for connections with Imperial Japanese Airways (Dai Nippon Koku KK) to Japan itself or foreign routes.

Manchurian revival

Goforth proceeded to Guangning (Kwangning) (near Beizhen, Liaoning) where it was told him by another missionary that, "Reports have come to us of the meetings at Mukden and Liaoyang. I thought I had better tell you, right at the beginning, that you need not expect similar results here."

Sheng Jing Hospital

In 1949 the Mukden Medical College was absorbed by the China Medical University and the hospital became known as the 2nd Affiliated hospital of the China Medical University (PRC).

Three crows

In the Kwantung Army of Imperial Japan for instance, the Three Crows refer to the Triumvirate of Army War College 24th class graduate Kenji Doihara, Army War College 28th class graduate Itagaki Seishiro and Army War College 30th class Military Sword Club member Kanji Ishiwara: the main masterminds of the Mukden Incident and the subsequent Invasion of China.

Yu Chung-han

Yu Chung-han, was a prominent elder statesman of Zhang Xueliang's Government in Mukden and the leader of the civilian group in Manchuria which favored "hokyo anmin" (secure boundary and peaceful life), meaning according to him, the protection and prosperity of the Northeastern Provinces were to be the supreme concern of the government, including the relationship with China proper.

see also