After receiving this report, prime minister Lionel Jospin addressed the Assemblée Nationale on 10 October 1998 and announced his decision to withdraw.
By the end of 1996, Martin Khor, Director of the Third World Network based in Malaysia, obtained a document prepared for the OECD Ministerial meeting of May 1995 as well as for future WTO negotiations by the European Commission (Commission of the European Communities 1995: A Level Playing Field for Direct Investment World Wide, March 1, Brussels).
A strong campaign was led by Lori Wallach of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch, and a coordinated network ("50 Years is Enough') including Friends of the Earth, the Alliance for Democracy, Witness for Peace, the Sierra Club, the Preamble Center, the Democratic Socialists of America and other groups.
Lori Wallach, a graduate of Harvard Law School, became one of the strongest leading organisers of the international campaign against the MAI.
According to MAI supporter Sergio Marchi, one of the main purposes of the agreement was to eliminate the "patchwork" of investment rules enshrined in the then-1300+ bilateral investment treaties.
North American Free Trade Agreement | Munich Agreement | Schengen Agreement | Potsdam Agreement | Good Friday Agreement | European Investment Bank | Comprehensive Peace Agreement | Alternative Investment Market | Sunningdale Agreement | Investment Company Act of 1940 | Qatar Investment Authority | Marfin Investment Group | Investment | investment | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade | Government of Singapore Investment Corporation | Dayton Agreement | China Investment Corporation | Wanfried agreement | UK Trade & Investment | Renville Agreement | Lancaster House Agreement | Investment banking | Destroyers for Bases Agreement | Bonn Agreement | TRIPS Agreement | Sykes–Picot Agreement | Return on investment | Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust | Oak Investment Partners |