Early topics included her obsession with Alton Brown and her uncomfortable crushes on the hosts of her child's TV shows like Steve Burns, and expanded to discussions of games, movies and television shows.
These essays also led to her becoming an early contributor to Michael and Evo's Wingin' It, a sci-fi variety show podcast hosted by Michael R. Mennenga and Evo Terra.
Her early career began with her writing for White Wolf and other role playing game companies, and she has expanded to writing about games for such publications as Scrye, Knights of the Dinner Table, Anime Insider, Games Quarterly, and The Escapist.
Mur | Mona Mur | Leon Lafferty | Bruck an der Mur | James Lafferty | William Lafferty | Tomen y Mur | R. A. Lafferty | Mur-e Jowkar | Michael Lafferty | Kyle Lafferty | Kraubath an der Mur | John Lafferty |