
unusual facts about Murle people

David Yau Yau

David Yau Yau is (as of January 28, 2013) the leader of a Murle insurrection against the South Sudanese government in Jonglei state.

Ayod County

The Jonglei minister of law enforcement, Gabriel Duop Lam, said that absence of mid-lower teeth and small body scars on the bodies of the attackers indicated they were Murle people.

Kapoeta East County

It as intended as a model to show that the different peoples of the area including Toposa, Jiye, Murle, Nyangatom and Kachipo could live and work together in harmony.

Pochalla County

The dominat people group are the Anuak who border the Murle to the west and the Nuer to the North, both of whom are cattle keeping tribes, who have a culture of raiding to increase their cattle numbers.

United Nations Flight 544 shootdown

The crash site was near the front of ongoing fighting between the SPLA and Murle rebels led by David Yau Yau.

see also