
unusual facts about Muros


Cimetière parisien de Bagneux

Cimetière parisien de Bagneux is one of the three Parisien cemeteries extra muros, located in Bagneux.

Jacques Gelman

A great part of their collection is also on exhibit in the newly founded museum "Muros" in Cuernavaca, following Natasha Gelman's wish.

José Pablo Moncayo

Among these are works like Amatzinac for flute and string quartet (1935); his Symphony (1944); Sinfonietta (1945); Homenaje a Cervantes for two oboes and string orchestra (1947); his opera La Mulata de Córdoba (1948); Tierra de Temporal (1949); Muros Verdes for piano solo (1951); Bosques (1954); and the ballet Tierra (1958).

Saint William's Church, Strasbourg

Returning unharmed from the Crusades, the knight Henri de Müllenheim undertook the construction of a monastery for the Hermits of Saint William, an order of mendicant monks, in this marshy neighbourhood situated extra muros, that is, beyond the city walls.

Sobrado, Galicia

In the Bocelo mountains have the head of the two major rivers of western Galicia: the Mandeo that slopes down to the Ria de Betanzos and Tambre flowing into the estuary of Muros and Noya.

St. Martin's Church, Warsaw

It was established in 1353 together with the adjacent Augustinians cloister and a hospital of the Holy Spirit intra muros by Siemowit III duke of Masovia and his wife Eufemia.

see also