
unusual facts about Musée Grévin

Musée Grévin

The Musée Grévin now contains some 450 characters arranged in scenes from the history of France and modern life, including a panorama of French history from Charlemagne to Napoleon III, bloody scenes of the French Revolution, movie stars, and international figures such as Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, and Pope John Paul II.

Romain Hervé

Romain Herve's appearances in France, in recital or as a soloist with orchestra, have included performances at the Salle Pleyel, at the Salle Gaveau with the European Romantic Orchestra, at the Maison de Radio France with the Orchestre de la Garde Republicaine, at the Cité de la Musique with Paris Conservatoire Orchestra, at the Salle Cortot, the auditoriums of the Palais Royal and at the Musée Grevin.

see also