
unusual facts about Mutasarrif


Ahmed Uthman

He was the first Mutasarrif (governor) of Erbil in the first Iraqi government (1921-1927), the Mutasarrif of Sulaymaniyah (1927-1929), member of the Iraqi House of Notables or Senate "Majlis al-Ayan" (1929-1937), and Member of the House of Deputies "Majlis al-Nuwaab" representing Erbil (1937-1946).

Mulla Effendi

Highest-ranking members of the government and others such as Deputy Chief of Royal Protocol on behalf of Regent Abd al-Ilah, the Iraqi Premier then Nuri as-Said, the British Ambassador to Iraq in Baghdad Sir Kinahan Cornwallis, the President of the Senate Sayyid Muhammad al-Sadr, Mutasarrif of Mosul Abdul-Majeed al-Yaqubi, Jamil al-Midfai (served five times as Prime Minister of Iraq), Dawud al-Haidary (well-known Iraqi statesman), paid tribute to his family.

see also