
unusual facts about My Dad, John McCain

63d Airlift Wing

Arizona Senator John McCain was one of the POWs who flew home on the Hanoi Taxi.

American Leadership Project

Since the conclusion of the Primary season, with Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee and John McCain as the Republican candidate, the organization has run several ads against McCain.

Asheville Zombie Walk

During the 2008 presidential campaign between Barack Obama and John McCain, vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin made a campaign appearance in Asheville on World Zombie Day.

August Busch III

Unlike his father Gussie Busch, August III has been a lifelong supporter of the Republican Party, and a friend, ally, and financial supporter to Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and President George W. Bush.

Barry G. Silverman

After Silverman's confirmation, he told the Jewish News of Greater Phoenix in an article that appeared on February 6, 1998 that he was "really grateful" to President Clinton, Sen. John McCain, Sen. Jon Kyl and Rep. Ed Pastor for their help and support in securing his confirmation.

Bob Schieffer

On October 15, 2008, Schieffer moderated the third presidential debate between Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain.

Charles F. Knight

A Republican, he has supported John Ashcroft, Bush Cheney '04, Rudy Giuliani, Roy Blunt, John McCain, Mitt Romney.

David Weiner

As a Huffington Post blogger, Weiner broke the "Recipegate" scandal in which Senator John McCain's wife, Cindy McCain, was found to have plagiarized "family recipes" for the McCain campaign website during the 2008 United States presidential election.

Douglas Holtz-Eakin

In 2007, Holtz-Eakin was hired as chief economic policy adviser to U.S. Senator John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign.

Ed O'Callaghan

O'Callaghan co-leads what the Anchorage Daily News calls "a cadre of high-powered operatives" described by John McCain's campaign as a "truth squad" to field questions about and push back on attacks against vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

Ellis County, Kansas

Ellis County gave a plurality to Bill Clinton over Bush and Ross Perot in the 1992 presidential election, but has been in the Republican column in each of the past four elections, giving 66 percent to Republican John McCain to 32 percent for Democrat Barack Obama in the 2008 election, higher than the 57 percent McCain won statewide.

Florida Panhandle

In the 2008 Presidential election, John McCain received 421,287 votes (60.1%) in the Panhandle, while Barack Obama received 279,206 votes (39.9%).

Garfield County, Montana

In the 2008 presidential election, Senator John McCain received 82.3% with Senator Barack Obama receiving 15.1%.

Gideon Yago

Throughout his career Yago has interviewed many politicians, musicians, and other celebrities including former President George W. Bush, former President Bill Clinton, Senator John Kerry, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, former Vice President Al Gore, and Senator John McCain, as well as other prominent figures including former Ambassador L. Paul Bremer III and Bill Gates.

Highway Trust Fund

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Senator John McCain proposed a 'gas holiday', a suspension in the tax during the peak summer driving season.

Jeff Schweitzer

His book, Vote To Save The Planet, was a collection of short articles intended to inform voters about the benefits of electing Barack Obama/Joe Biden and the disadvantages of electing John McCain/Sarah Palin in the 2008 Presidential Election.

Jefferson County, Alabama

Although Alabama as a whole voted for John McCain by double digits in 2008, Barack Obama carried Jefferson County with 166,121 votes (52%) John McCain received 149,921 votes (47%).

John McCain lobbyist controversy

On February 21, 2008, in the midst of John McCain's campaign in the 2008 Republican presidential primaries, both The New York Times and the Washington Post published articles detailing rumors of an improper relationship between John McCain and lobbyist Vicki Iseman.

Living History

This is not unusual for political autobiographies, but in the same period some other political figures were given co-writing credit, as for instance fellow Senator John Edwards gave to writer John Auchard on his book Four Trials and fellow Senator John McCain gave to administrative assistant Mark Salter on his books Faith of My Fathers, Worth the Fighting For, Why Courage Matters, and Character Is Destiny.

Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument

In August 2010, funding to replace the windows at the closed center topped a list of wasteful stimulus spending examples in a report released by Senators Tom Coburn and John McCain.

Nick Bacon

While there, he was the co-originator of the Med-Vet Healthcare Program in Phoenix and participated in John McCain's 1986 political campaign in which McCain was first elected to the U.S. Senate.

North Plainfield, New Jersey

Steve Schmidt (born 1970), senior campaign strategist to the 2008 presidential campaign of Senator John McCain.

Oklahoma Panhandle

In the 2008 U.S. Presidential election, the three counties gave a weighted average of 87.5% of their votes to John McCain and 12.5% to Barack Obama, with McCain carrying the state over Obama 65.6% to 34.4%.

Paul Jacob

Frequent targets of his commentary include Republicans known for their pork barrel spending, such as Senator Ted Stevens, and both Democrats and Republicans who support campaign spending regulations, such as Senators Russ Feingold and John McCain.

Penny Pritzker

Among the recipients have been the presidential campaigns and exploratory committees, including those of George W. Bush, Joe Lieberman, Bill Bradley, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain (2000), Al Gore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton.


The first bill that we are focusing on is sponsored by seven Senators who have styled themselves the "Fiscal Responsibility Team": Tom Coburn, Sam Brownback, Jim DeMint, John Ensign, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and John Sununu.

Protesting the Dixie Chicks

In the man-on-the-street style of "Heavy Metal Parking Lot", anonymous fans and protesters are interviewed outside the arenas of the Dixie Chicks 2003 USA tour, while the context of the drama is reenacted with toys and action figures of Natalie Maines, Toby Keith, General John Abizaid, Senator Richard Lugar, Senator John McCain and President George W. Bush.


Some commentators argue that red-baiting was used by John McCain, Republican presidential nominee in the 2008 United States election, when he argued that Democratic nominee Barack Obama's improvised comments on wealth redistribution to "Joe the Plumber" was a promotion of "socialism".

Rick Warren

In August 2008, Warren drew greater national attention by hosting the Civil Forum on the Presidency that featured senators John McCain and Barack Obama at Saddleback Church.

Roberta McCain

Roberta Wright McCain (born February 7, 1912) is the widow of Admiral John S. McCain, Jr. (married from 1933 to 1981, his death) and mother of the Republican Arizona Senator and two-time Presidential candidate John S. McCain III.

Rod Parsley

Parsley personally endorsed the presidential campaign of Republican nominee John McCain, who called Parsley a "spiritual guide".

Ron Claiborne

He covered a wide variety of stories for ABC News, topics includes the legalization of gay marriages in Massachusetts; the Boston Catholic Church scandal in 2002; the Elian Gonzales custody battle; the Yugosalavia conflict in Belgrade; the Persian Gulf War and the both the 1992 and 2008 U.S. Presidential campaigns where he covered Senator John McCain's campaign.

Ron Silver

In one of his last televised interviews, he told Sky News that Senator John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his Vice-Presidential candidate in the 2008 Presidential Election had been a "deal breaker" for him.

Stephen Fincher

In the 2008 presidential election, Republican U.S. Senator John McCain carried the district with 56% of the vote.

Stone County, Missouri

George W. Bush carried Stone County in 2000 and 2004 by more than two-to-one margins, and like many other rural counties throughout Missouri, Stone County strongly favored John McCain over Barack Obama in 2008.

Taney County, Missouri

George W. Bush carried Taney County in 2000 and 2004 by more than two-to-one margins, and like many other rural counties throughout Missouri, Taney County strongly favored John McCain over Barack Obama in 2008.

The Free Right

During the American election in 2008, the faction supported the Republican ticket of John McCain and Sarah Palin, while most French political elites supported Barack Obama.

Tommy Gavin

Tommy claims to have voted for Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election in the episode "Vows", Season 7, although he expressed interest in voting for John McCain prior to the 2008 election.

UFC 12

After being removed from many pay per view carriers, and with mounting pressure from politicians such as Senator John McCain, the UFC had continuing troubles finding a venue, and a state, that would host UFC 12.


Following the legal battle over UFC 9, Senator John McCain was successful in pulling UFC pay-per-view broadcasts from numerous cable systems, including TCI cable, which greatly hurt pay per view buy rates.

The UFC drew national criticism leading up to the event, due in large part to Arizona Senator John McCain's letter writing campaign against the "brutal spectacle" of no holds barred fighting.

Valley County, Idaho

In 2008 Valley County was much more competitive than in recent years, as John McCain defeated Barack Obama by only 7% (52-45%).

Voting gender gap

Sarah Palin ran that same year as the Vice-Presidential candidate with John McCain on the Republican ticket.

War Powers Resolution

On 16 January 2014, Senators John McCain and Tim Kaine unveiled legislation that would repeal the existing War Powers Resolution and replace it with a new law for greater presidential consultation to Congress before committing military forces to a war or armed conflict.

Wayne DuMond

Due to its professional quality, some speculated that it was one of Huckabee's opponents, possibly John McCain.

Wayne L. Berman

Berman was a close friend of Senator John McCain and a supporter of his during his 2008 presidential campaign.

see also