
2 unusual facts about My Name is Red

My Name Is Red

In The New York Times, Richard Eder describes Pamuk's intense interest in East-West interactions and explains some of the metaphysical ideas that permeate the novel.

In recognition of its status in Pamuk's oeuvre, the novel was re-published in Erdağ Göknar's translation as part of the Everyman's Library Contemporary Classics series in 2010.

Ancient Evenings

The novel has gained popularity in Turkey due to its resemblance to the novel My Name is Red by the Nobel Prize winner Turkish author Orhan Pamuk.

Khosrow and Shirin

Orhan Pamuk's novel, My Name is Red (1998), has a plot line between two characters, Shekure and Black, which echoes the Khosrow and Shirin story, which is also retold in the book.

see also