Directed by Masakazu Obara and written by Hiroyuki Yoshino, it is a spinoff of My-HiME anime series and as such My-Otome takes place in a new setting with new main characters.
The show is aired every Friday and is for the first twenty-seven broadcasts was hosted by Shintarō Asanuma and Yoshino Nanjō who voiced Yoshiyuki and Koko in the anime, but starting with the twenty-sixth broadcast on May 2, 2008, Ayahi Takagaki who voices Otome in the anime joined Asanuma as his co-host.
Especially the phrase "Koi Seyo Otome" has been used as the title for several songs and a Japanese television drama.
Most well known for her lead role as Otome Sakamoto in T.B.S. drama, Kinpachi-sensei, Hoshino has starred in several dramas in recent years.
All background music are by Yuki Kajiura except for Mai-Otome PS2 Opening Theme - Valkyrja/Michibiki no Ao, composed by Yōsei Teikoku & Hoshi ga Kanaderu Monogatari composed by Kajiura but arranged by Hijiri Anze.
"Otome Pasta ni Kandō" is also featured on the album All of Tanpopo as the opening track.