
2 unusual facts about Mycosphaerella

Fallopia japonica

Research has also been carried out on Mycosphaerella leafspot fungus, which devastates knotweed in its native Japan.

Littoraria irrorata

It creates and maintains wounds on the grass, Spartina alterniflora, which are then infected by fungi, probably of the Phaeosphaeria and Mycosphaerella genera.

M. phyllostachydis

Mycosphaerella phyllostachydis, a plant pathogen fungus species of the genus Mycosphaerella

Margaret Elizabeth Barr-Bigelow

In 1956, Barr married mycologist Howard E. Bigelow and was awarded a Ph.D. for her work The taxonomic position of the genus Mycosphaerella as shown by comparative developmental studies one week later.

see also