
2 unusual facts about NNV


Number needed to vaccinate, a metric used in the evaluation of vaccines and in the determination of vaccination policy, commonly abbreviated "NNV"

Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature (Norwegian: Norges Naturvernforbund), also known as Friends of the Earth Norway and commonly abbreviated "NNV," the largest Norwegian environmental organization


Fellesaksjonen mot gasskraftverk

It was led by former leader of NU, and later leader of NNV, Lars Haltbrekken.

Wim Turkenburg

He has served on numerous national and international boards and working groups, including the board of the Netherlands' Physical Society (NNV), the Dutch division of the International Solar Energy Society, the working group on renewable energy of the World Energy Council, the working group on energy supply mitigation options of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources for Development of the United Nations (UN-CENRD).

see also