
5 unusual facts about NSKK

Adolf Hühnlein

Although a member of the NSKK, Rosemeyer, like many drivers, did not respect Hühnlein or the NSKK, an organization the drivers were forced to join.

All race car drivers were required to become members of the NSKK, which Himmler had moved into the SS following the curtailing of the SA.

Arno Breitmeyer

This propaganda work has many pictures and information about the various Nazi organizations, i.e. SA, NSKK, Bund Deutscher Mädel, Hitler Jugend, etc.

Hans von Tschammer und Osten

This lavishly illustrated work had many pictures and information about the various Nazi organizations, i.e. SA, NSKK, Bund Deutscher Mädel, Hitler Jugend, etc.

Paul Nieder-Westermann

On 1 April Nieder-Westermann was appointed to the leader from the upper relay Westfalen (South) of the NSKK.



Ranks and insignia of the Nazi Party

By the start of World War II, Nazi Party paramilitary groups had also been expanding and developing their own uniform designs, such as SS uniforms and insignia as well as uniforms used by such other Nazi groups such as the National Socialist Motor Corps (NSKK), the Organization Todt, and many others.

see also