
5 unusual facts about NTD


NTD-8 was officially launched at 8:00pm on 11 November 1971, with the opening lineup beginning at 5:30pm with Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, followed by Bandstand at 6:00 p.m. and at 7:00 p.m., An Evening with Burt Bacharach.

The station is owned by the Nine Entertainment Co., and is an owned-and-operated station of the Nine Network, under the company name Territory Television Pty. Ltd..

The station was officially inaugurated at 8:00pm by Northern Territory Administrator, Fred Chaney, followed by speeches from Sir Myles Wright, Fred Yates, John Hickman, and assistant executive John May.

owner = Nine Entertainment Co. Holdings Pty Ltd|

On New Year's Day 2003, Eight Darwin became Nine Darwin, in line with the rest of Kerry Packer's Nine Network owned-and-operated stations.


Launch status check

For space shuttle missions, in the firing room at the Launch Control Center, the NASA Test Director (NTD) performed this check via a voice communications link with other NASA personnel.

Liver function tests

5' Nucleotidase (5'NTD) is another test specific for cholestasis or damage to the intra or extrahepatic biliary system, and in some laboratories, is used as a substitute for GGT for ascertaining whether an elevated ALP is of biliary or extra-biliary origin.

New Tang Dynasty Television

Since its founding, NTD has expanded to include English, Spanish, Japanese, French, Russian, Persian, Hebrew and several other language editions.

According to the Wall Street Journal, NTD is, along with The Epoch Times and Sound of Hope radio station, part of a media empire founded by and affiliated with Falun Gong practitioners.

Nintendo Technology Development

NTD also co-designs most console hardware with the Nintendo Integrated Research & Development division lead by Genyo Takeda.

see also