
2 unusual facts about NUST

College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

The Devrim II is the first ever hybrid car of Pakistan, designed and fabricated by students of NUST in 2010.

Devrim II

A group of Eleven Engineering students from Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechatronics Engineering and Department of Electrical Engineering, named as Pak-Wheelers, from E&ME College of NUST participated in the Shell Eco-marathon Asia in July 2010 with their Hybrid Car.


NUST | NUST (Zimbabwe) |

NUST Starfish 5

Starfish 5 (Hai-Xing or Haixing, 海星) is a Chinese experimental UAV developed by Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NUST) to gain knowledge of carrier landing technology.

see also