Besides the religious feast of St. Peter & St. Paul, known locally as "L-Imnarja" held on the 29th June and which lasts a whole week, Nadur is also famous for its annual revelry held on the 5 days preceding Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent.
The creativity of all those taking part and the many visitors have earned it other names such as the Spontaneous Carnival, Grotesque or Macabre Carnival.
Carnival | carnival | Notting Hill Carnival | Carnival Cruise Lines | Carnival of Venice | The Carnival of the Animals | Brazilian Carnival | King of the Carnival | Quebec Winter Carnival | Cologne Carnival | Carnival of Souls | Carnival Legend | Trinidad and Tobago Carnival | Traveling carnival | Nadur | Carnival Victory | Carnival Music | Carnival in Germany, Switzerland and Austria | Carnival Conquest | Cakewalk (carnival game) | Al "Carnival Time" Johnson | 1914 Sydney Carnival | 1911 Adelaide Carnival | The Fight Between Carnival and Lent | Rio Carnival | Oakbank Easter Racing Carnival | Erland and the Carnival | Don't Stop the Carnival (novel) | Don't Stop the Carnival | Detail from Pieter Bruegel's ''The Fight Between Carnival and Lent |