
unusual facts about Nakamichi

High Com

Nakamichi, one of the more than 20 licensees of the High Com system, insisted on using a sliding-band compander, so High Com was further developed into the two-band High Com II and three-band High Com III sliding-band 2:1:2 systems by Werner Scholz and Ernst F.

Etsuro Nakamichi

Etsuro Nakamichi (died November 10, 1982) was a Japanese engineer and founder of Nakamichi Corporation, a high-end audio electronics company based in Tokyo in Japan.

High Com

Besides Telefunken's own CN 750 High Com compander box and Nakamichi's High-Com II unit, other companies also offered external High Com compander boxes such as the Aiwa HR-7 and HR-50 or the Rotel RN-500 and RN-1000.

Wow and flutter measurement

The Kenwood KX-880HX reach the exploit of 0.027% level thanks to its drive mechanism directly Nakamichi CRE4

see also