A short-lived cartoon series based on Space Ace was produced in 1984 as part of the Saturday Supercade cartoon block (which was composed of cartoon shorts based on current video games) with Space Ace voiced by Jim Piper, Dexter voiced by Sparky Marcus, Kimberly voiced by Nancy Cartwright, and Commander Borf voiced by Arthur Burghardt.
Nancy | Nancy Drew | Nancy, France | Nancy Reagan | Nancy Sinatra | Nancy Pelosi | Nancy Kerrigan | Sid and Nancy | Nancy Grace | Nancy-Université | Nancy McKeon | Nancy Boyda | Nancy Spender | Nancy Astor, Viscountess Astor | Nancy Ajram | Cartwright | Battle of Nancy | Nancy Shade | Nancy Mitford | Nancy Graves | Nancy Durham | Nancy Argenta | Jean-Luc Nancy | Veronica Cartwright | Nancy Varian Berberick | Nancy Soderberg | Nancy Scheper-Hughes | Nancy Rubins | Nancy Overton | Nancy Mercado |