After graduating from Nanjing University with a B.S. in Chemistry, she moved to the United States for graduate school.
He is an Emeritus Professor of History and Sociology at the University of Pittsburgh where he taught from 1970 until his retirement in 1998, and has served in honorary positions in several universities including Duke University, Nanjing University, and Chinese University of Hong Kong.
After working both as a professional artist and on the editorial staff of Fine Arts in China Magazine, he moved in 2000 to the Institute of Fine Arts at Nanjing University, where he currently teaches.
In addition, Eikenberry has studied in Hong Kong at the UK Ministry of Defence Chinese Language School, earning the Foreign Office's Interpreter’s Certificate for Mandarin Chinese, and also studied at Nanjing University, earning an advanced degree in Chinese History.
After a short-term lecturer position at the German-Chinese legal institute at Nanjing University in September 2011, he became a lecturer at the Scuola di Scienze giuridiche Dottorato at the University of Milano-Bicocca in December 2011.
She studied with her father, Min Ji-Qian, a professor and pipa instructor at Nanjing University, and performed as pipa soloist for the Nanjing National Music Orchestra from 1980 to 1992.
Many scholars visited and instructed there, including the American educationist Paul Monroe, W. H. Kilpatrick, E. L. Thorndike, philosopher John Dewey, British philosopher Bertrand Russell, German philosopher Hans Driesch and the Indian (also Bengali) poet Rabindranath Tagore.
In the period the faculty members included such scholars and scientists as Zu Chongzhi (祖沖之), Ge Hong (葛洪), Wang Xizhi (王羲之), and students included such figures as Xiao Daocheng, Emperor Gao of Southern Qi who studied in School of Confucian Studies, and Zhong Rong, a founding scholar of poetics who graduated from division of literature.
He did his undergraduate studies in the National Central University (National Central university was renamed to Nanjing University in Mainland China in 1952, and its engineering faculty was split-off and became today's Southeast University. However, its offspring in Taiwan continues this name) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
A graduate of Nanjing University, Sha started his diplomatic career as a staff member at the Chinese Embassy in the United Kingdom and served in a variety of positions in the Chinese Diplomatic Service.
In 1933, at the age of nineteen, she was admitted to the National Centre University (now called Nanjing University).
He entered the economics department at the National Central University in 1936 (renamed Nanjing University in 1949).
He graduated from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, receiving a B.A. of Advertising from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Both of her parents were professors at Nanjing University where she initially learned about polymer chemistry in her mother's lab.
She was enrolled at Nanjing University before transferring to directly into her Ph.D. in Chemistry from The University of Chicago.
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In 1919 he was ordinary professor of systematic philosophy at Cologne and in 1921 professor of philosophy at Leipzig, though he was a visiting professor in Nanjing and Beijing during 1922-23, and in 1923 he received honorable doctor's degree from National Southeastern University (later renamed National Central University and Nanjing University) where he taught for a semester.
After receiving her doctoral degree she became Distinguished American Studies Scholar in Residence at Pennaylvania State University in Harrisburg (1989), visiting professor at Nanjing University in China (1994), and Fulbright visiting professor at Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia (2001–2002).
He earned a Bachelor's degree in 1941 and a Master's degree in 1943 from the National Central University (later renamed Nanjing University in mainland China and reinstated in Taiwan), and earned a Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology in the United States in 1948.