
5 unusual facts about Nankeen Kestrel


This upset Bunjil, who sent his two helpers, Djurt-djurt the Nankeen Kestrel and Thara the quail hawk, after Balayang.


He is assisted by six wirmums or shamans who represent the clans of the Eaglehawk moiety: Djurt-djurt the Nankeen Kestrel, Thara the quail hawk, Yukope the parakeet, Dantum the parrot, Tadjeri the brushtail possum and Turnong the gliding possum.

Gerroa, New South Wales

Possums, wombats and falcons as well as many other indigenous animals may be seen near the town.


Nankeen Kestrel, also called Nankeen hawk, the Australian kestrel, Falco cenchroides, a small falcon found in Australia and neighbouring islands.

Nankeen Kestrel

(The only other Australasian raptors to hover are the elanid kites which are much lighter in colour and a little larger, and the Brown Falcon, which is much larger and more heavily built, and hovers only with difficulty).

see also