
10 unusual facts about Nanometre

Artificial neural membrane

The greatest interest in ANM structures surround their potential as open architecture environments for the integration of microscale and nanoscale devices.

Chemical synapse

At gap junctions, cells approach within about 3.5 nm of each other, rather than the 20 to 40 nm distance that separates cells at chemical synapses.


The reflectivity (the percentage of incident energy which is reflected from a surface) for light of wavelength 540 nm varies between 29.6 and 30.2, and is slightly dependent on the direction of the incident light, that is to say, the mineral is weakly anisotropic.

Endomembrane system

These pores are about 120 nm in diameter and regulate the passage of molecules between the nucleus and cytoplasm, permitting some to pass through the membrane, but not others.


Forsterite crystallizes in the orthorhombic system (space group Pbnm) with cell parameters a 4.75 Å (0.475 nm), b 10.20 Å (1.020 nm) and c 5.98 Å (0.598 nm).


Both the conical end caps and central cylinder are made up of 4-5 nm wide ribs that run at right angles to the long axis of the structure.


Nanobes are about 20 nm in diameter, which may be too small to contain the basic elements for an organism to exist (DNA, ribosomes, etc.), suggesting that if they grow and reproduce they would need to do so in an unconventional way.

Outer mitochondrial membrane

It contains numerous integral proteins called porins, which contain a relatively large internal channel (about 2-3 nm) that is permeable to all molecules of 5000 daltons or less.

Phage major coat protein

These bacteriophages are flexible rods, about one to two micrometres long and six nm in diameter, with a helical shell of protein subunits surrounding a DNA core.

Photosystem I

The P700 reaction center is composed of modified chlorophyll a that best absorbs light at a wavelength of 700nm, with higher wavelengths causing bleaching.


Nanometre | nanometre |


These structures exhibited strong yellow-green intrinsic fluorescence when exposed to visible light with a wavelength of 500 nm (blue-green).

PlayStation 4 technical specifications

The PlayStation 4 uses a semi-custom accelerated processing unit (APU) developed by AMD in cooperation with Sony and is manufactured on the TSMC 28 nm process node.