This is the district of Tokyo where manga artist Naoko Takeuchi resides, and the Azabu Jūban area is the setting of her fictional Sailor Moon series.
She based this work, her first serial comic, loosely on Daddy-Long-Legs and on her friend Marie Koizumi, who helped her write it.
She released a pocket edition of the book in 1994, which was co-written with her friend, Marie Koizumi.
Takashi Takeuchi | Naoko Takeuchi | NaoKo TakaHashi (artist) | NaoKo TakaHashi | Hirotaka Takeuchi | Takeuchi Seihō | Takeuchi | Riki Takeuchi | Naoko Yamano | Naoko Takahashi | Matsubara Naoko |
Taeko Asano has stated that Michiru and Ruka were not based on Naoko Takeuchi's Sailor Moon characters Michiru and Haruka despite rumors.
Asano has also stated that Michiru and Ruka were not based on Naoko Takeuchi's Sailor Moon characters Michiru and Haruka despite rumors.