This site is famous for a shooting of a legendary film Mother India starring Sunil Dutt, Raj Kumar and Nargis which was also nominated for oscars as one of the first Indian movie or Bollywood.
Kapoor appeared in 15 R.K. films with Nargis and travelled around the world with her to promote the studio's films.
Many R.K. Films movies featured Kapoor opposite actress Nargis.
It was in India that he first met the great Indian actor Raj Kapoor and the actress Nargis.
First, he works with Kalu, and at the premiere of Mother India, their tickets sell faster and faster as more film stars arrive - they include Dilip Kumar, Geeta Dutt, Guru Dutt, Kishore Kumar, Raaj Kumar, Rajendra Kumar, Lata Mangeshkar, Sohrab Modi, Mohammed Rafi, Nargis, Nadira and Nimmi.
Nargis started her career in 2008; Modelling for singer Valy Hedjasi and then went on to model for many companies such as Asiana and pakistan fashion week, she was also featured in newspaper for Richmond, London.