The documentary follows the villagers of Jalsindhi – a village in Madhya Pradesh on the banks of the Narmada River about 10 miles upstream from the Sardar Sarovar project - through their battle against the dam.
Hansot is a village in Bharuch district, Gujarat, India, used to be called as "Hansnagri" during the British Era is situated about 15 miles (24 km) south west of Bharuch on the south bank of the Narmada River.
Following a Ph.D. (1986–90) in Environmental Toxicology from Cornell University (which he attended on an Andrew White scholarship), he became an activist with the Narmada Bachao Andolan (1990–95).
After the battle of Gwalior Tatya undertook a campaign in Sagar, Madhya Pradesh and the Narmada River regions and in Khandesh and Rajasthan.
The two friends lie down to rest in the shade of a tree on the banks of the Narmada river.
Mississippi River | River Thames | Amazon River | Columbia River | Hudson River | Colorado River | Potomac River | river | Ohio River | Missouri River | Delaware River | Murray River | River Tyne | Madeira River | Volga River | River Nene | River Clyde | River Trent | River Severn | Amur River | River Wear | Allegheny River | Red River | Dnieper River | Yarra River | Paraná River | River Tees | Fraser River | Yangtze River | Tocantins River |
Gwarighat is a small town on the banks of the river Narmada near the city of Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh, India.
Janoji's successor Mudhoji I Bhonsale (d. 1788) came to power in 1785 and bought Mandla and the upper Narmada valley from the Peshwa between 1796 and 1798, after which Raghoji II Bhonsale (d. 1816) acquired Hoshangabad, the larger part of Saugor and Damoh.
Excavated from the Narmada River valley in Rahioli in the Kheda district of Gujarat, India, the find was announced as a new genus of dinosaur by American and Indian scientists on August 13, 2003.
Paleontologists Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago, Jeff Wilson of the University of Michigan, and Srivastava worked together as an Indo–American group to study the Narmada River fossils.