
2 unusual facts about Narodnik


The latter helped found various groups, included one formed around the literary magazine Viața Românească, which he published along with Garabet Ibrăileanu and Paul Bujor.


Narodnik, a trend of agrarian socialism in late Tsarist Russia


Narodnik |

Group of Narodnik Socialists

Group of Narodnik Socialists was a group of Russian revolutionary émigrés headed by N. I. Utin, A. D. Trusov, and V. I. Bartenev.

Millionnaya Street

In Soviet times the street was named Khalturina Street, in honor of the Narodnik revolutionary Stepan Khalturin, who detonated a bomb in the Winter Palace in 1880 that caused 67 casualties (but failed to kill the Czar).

see also