
4 unusual facts about Nasi Lemak 2.0

Malaysian Mandarin

Its closest cousin is not Standard Mandarin, instead, its closest cousin is Singaporean Mandarin, the language was widely used in films like Tiger Woohoo 大日子(2010), Namewee's Nasi Lemak 2.0 辣死你妈 and movies created by Singaporean movie director Jack Neo.

Nasi Lemak 2.0

an article by Fauziah Arof dated 21 September 2011 condemned Namewee for insulting the national anthem Negaraku, Islam and Malay race as a whole.

Wee met the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak and stressed that the movie promoted the spirit of the 1Malaysia program, which was initiated by the Prime Minister himself.

After multiple unsuccessful attempts, he vowed to meet the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

see also