As Lieutenant Governor, Scranton hired Nat Goldhaber, a member of the Transcendental Meditation movement, as his top aide in Harrisburg.
Nat King Cole | Nat Fleischer | Nat Turner | Nat Turner's slave rebellion | Nat Pendleton | Nat Hentoff | Nat Coombs | Nat Lofthouse | Nat Jones | Nat Gertler | Nat Geo Wild | Nat Borchers | Nat Ayer | All for You: A Dedication to the Nat King Cole Trio | Yves Nat | The Confessions of Nat Turner | Nat Young | Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion of 1831 | Nat Temple | Nat Sherman | Nat Reeves | Nat Peck | Nat Nakasa | Nat "King" Cole | Nat Holman | Nat Hickey | Nat Harper | Nat Goldhaber | Nat Friedman | Nat Emerson |