Nathan Mumm - was the Director of Compliance and Commissioner before selling the League to Ty White.
This league was purchased by new ownership; a group of investors from the Portland area known as Productive Citizens Incorporated have purchased the league from its founder Nathan Mumm.
:This article is about the National Athletic Basketball League formed in 2009 by Nathan Mumm and Joe Becerra.
Nathan Bedford Forrest | Nathan Lane | Nathan Hale | Nathan Milstein | Starboy Nathan | Nathan | Nathan Fillion | Nathan the Wise | Nathan Englander | Nathan's Famous | Nathan Mayer Rothschild | Nathan East | Nathan Appleton | Lionel Nathan de Rothschild | Nathan Scott | Nathan Phillips Square | Nathan Phillips | Nathan Lawr | Nathan Carter | Nathan Barley | John Nathan-Turner | William Nathan Wrighte Hewett | Nathan Zuckerman | Nathan Stoltzfus | Nathan Rennie | Nathan (prophet) | Nathan Parseghian | Nathan Mumm | Nathan McCullum | Nathan George Evans |