This series was dubbed the "Windhover" series by Oliveira's friend, poet Desmond Egan, who detected parallels between the paintings and the 1877 Gerard Manley Hopkins poem "The Windhover."
Nathan Bedford Forrest | Nathan Lane | Nathan Hale | Nathan Milstein | Manoel de Oliveira | António de Oliveira Salazar | Starboy Nathan | Nathan | Nathan Fillion | Nathan the Wise | Nathan Englander | Nathan's Famous | Nathan Mayer Rothschild | Nathan East | Nathan Appleton | Lionel Nathan de Rothschild | Nathan Scott | Nathan Phillips Square | Nathan Phillips | Nathan Lawr | Nathan Carter | Nathan Barley | John Nathan-Turner | Adriano Correia de Oliveira | William Nathan Wrighte Hewett | Nathan Zuckerman | Nathan Stoltzfus | Nathan Rennie | Nathan (prophet) | Nathan Parseghian |
One of the first things Margrit did was establish a fine arts program at the winery that brought many different kinds of artists to the winery including Richard Diebenkorn, Wayne Thiebaud and Nathan Oliveira.