
3 unusual facts about National Association

National Association

National Association of Base Ball Players (1857–1870), the governing body of early high-level but officially non-professional baseball in the United States.

National Association of Professional Base Ball Players (1871–1875), regarded by baseball historians as the first professional baseball league.

The league split from the NABBP in 1871 and was replaced after 1875 by the National League.

1880 Worcester Worcesters season

The 1880 season was the first for the Worcester Worcesters franchise in the National League, having played 1879 in the National Association.

Alfred T. Goshorn

Scattered clubs from as far away as Fort Leavenworth, Kansas sent delegates to the meeting of the game's national association in December 1865, roughly tripling membership from 30 to 90.

Cleveland Forest Citys

In 1871 the Forest Citys joined the first professional league, the National Association.

Salisbury Indians

The team appealed, first to William G. Bramham, president of the National Association, then to Kenesaw Mountain Landis, Commissioner of Baseball, but the ruling stood.

Silver Flint

He began his career at age 19 with the St. Louis Red Stockings of the National Association, and he played one year for the Indianapolis Blues before joining the Chicago White Stockings in 1879, where he would remain for the rest of his playing career, eleven seasons almost exclusively as a catcher.

see also

2001 FAI Cup Final

The 2001 FAI Cup Final was the deciding match of the 2000-01 FAI Cup, the national association football cup of Ireland.

Academic Evaluation Services

The organization is a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES), the European Association for International Education (EAIE), and the NAFSA: Association of International Educators, formerly known as the National Association of Foreign Student Advisers.


Academy of Certified Social Workers, one of the credentials in psychology, issued by the National Association of Social Work

Advanced Common Application Platform

NAB2004 (See NAB Show. an annual trade show produced by the National Association of Broadcasters. It takes place in April at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada).


American Junior Academy of Sciences - a program of the National Association of the Academics of Science

American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression

Each year ABFFE sponsors Banned Books Week, the only national celebration of the right to read, in conjunction with the American Booksellers Association, the Association of American Publishers, the American Society of Journalists and Authors, the National Association of College Stores, and the American Library Association.

American Lung Association

The association members recommended a public health committee be formed by The National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis and be officially sanctioned by the United States House of Representatives.

Americans for Fairness in Lending

Its official partners include: ACORN, California Reinvestment Coalition, Center for Responsible Lending, CFED, Community Reinvestment Association – North Carolina, Consumer Federation of America, Consumers Union, Demos, National Association of Consumer Advocates, National Consumer Law Center, NEDAP, United Professionals, PIRG, Public Citizen and the Woodstock Institute.

Burton Paulu

He served as president of the National Association of Educational Broadcasters and was a member of US delegations to UNESCO.

Canadian Race Relations Foundation

The agency was formed as a result of an agreement between the federal government and the National Association of Japanese Canadians called the Japanese Canadian Redress Agreement which acknowledged that the treatment of Japanese Canadians during and after World War II was unjust and violated principles of human rights.


Citibank National Association, a bank headquartered in New York City, United States, backing a lot of store credit cards

Charles Lampkin

Charles Lampkin's performances of the poetry of the Harlem Renaissance set to music he composed were recorded in 1957 for the National Association of English Teachers.

Cielo Wind Power

Cielo Wind Power is a member of or associated with the Texas Renewable Energy Industries Association, the American Wind Energy Association, the Electricity Reliability Council of Texas, Gulf Coast Power, the Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers Association, the Southwestern Cattleman’s Association, the National Association of Tower Erectors, and the Fort Stockton, McCamey and Ozona Chambers of Commerce.

Deirdre Bair

Her biographies of Anaïs Nin and Simone de Beauvoir were chosen by the New York Times as “Best Books of the Year”, and her biography of Jung won the Gradiva Award from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis.

Dixie Network

Marston also was elected to the National Association of Broadcasters Board of Directors in 1970 Edward B. Fritts, who began his broadcast career at WENK, Union City, Tennessee, was elected President of The National Association of Broadcasters, Washington, D.C., where he led the national trade association with distinction.

Ed Wilkes

Wilkes was a member of the Southwest Rotary International, National Association of Farm Broadcasters, Texas Tech Ex-Students Association, and the National Ranching Heritage Center at Texas Tech.

Eve Drewelowe

Her work was shown at National Association of Women Artists exhibitions, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Denver Art Museum, and the National Museum of Women in the Arts.

Ex-gay movement

Joseph Nicolosi is an American clinical psychologist, founder and director of the Thomas Aquinas Psychological Clinic in Encino, California, and a founder and former president of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH).

Florida Department of Veterans Affairs

They include American Ex-Prisoners of War, American Legion, American Red Cross, Blinded Veterans Association, Fleet Reserve Association, Jewish War Veterans, Marine Corps League, National Association of County Veteran Service Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers Association, The Retired Enlisted Association, Veterans of World War I of the USA (Family Members) and Vietnam Veterans of America.

Geo TV

On April 20, 2004 at the National Association of Broadcasters Convention in Las Vegas, Mir Ibrahim Rahman, chief executive of Geo TV, received an International Broadcast Excellence Award for the impact the channel has had on Pakistan.

H. K. Edgerton

A former president of the Asheville, North Carolina chapter of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), he is on the board of the Southern Legal Resource Center.

Harry Dean

Harry Deane (1846–1925), American baseball player in the National Association

Jindal Prize

Mr Kiran Karnik He was the President of NASSCOM (National Association Of Software and Services Companies ).

Jorge Matute Remus

Founder member of ANUIES (National association of universities and higher education institutes)

Let's Just Play Go Healthy Challenge

They include the American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association, the National Association of Physical and Sports Education, National Recreation and Park Association, and the National Rural Health Association.

Lucy Somerville Howorth

In her lifetime Lucy was an esteemed member of many organizations including the National Association of Women Lawyers, Phi Delta Delta Legal Fraternity (founded 1911, merged with Phi Alpha Delta in 1972), the Professional Women’s Club, and the Daughters of the American Revolution.

M. Lee Pelton

Pelton also holds, or has held, positions on several educational boards and committees: the American Council on Education, the Harvard University Board of Overseers, the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, the Oregon Symphony, Oregon Health & Science University Foundation, American Association for Higher Education, National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, and National Collegiate Athletic Association among others.

Maud Babcock

At other times in her professional life, she studied at the University of Chicago and schools in London and Paris; served as president of the National Association of Teachers of Speech; and, for twenty years, a trustee for the Utah State School for Deaf and Blind.


Midlands Collegiate Athletic Conference, American college sports conference of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics

Miniature golf

In 1961 Bob Taylor, Don Clayton of Putt-Putt, and Frank Abramoff of Arnold Palmer Miniature Golf organized the first miniature golf association known as NAPCOMS (or the "National Association of Putting Course Operators, Manufacturers, and Suppliers").

Mohamed Yousry

The American Translators Association and the National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators(NAJIT) issued a joint statement about this case, which took a neutral stand about Yousry's guilt or innocence.

Na'im Akbar

He was awarded the Distinguished Psychologist Award from the National Association of Black Psychologists, and Honorary Doctorates of Humane Letters from Edinboro University in Pennsylvania and Lincoln University.

National Association for Female Executives

The National Association for Female Executives (NAFE), is a division of the Working Mother Media, based in New York City.

National Association for Gifted Children

The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) is an association in the United Kingdom for gifted and talented children, and their parents.

National Association for Gun Rights

The top state-level priority of the National Association for Gun Rights is to pass no-permit Constitutional Carry.

National Association for Struggle against Communism

National Association for Struggle against Communism (in Swedish: Nationalföreningen för kommunismens bekämpande) was a short-lived anti-communist political organization in Sweden.

National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians

In March 2013, the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians sponsored "EMS on the Hill Day" during which NAEMT staff members and other EMT professionals spoke to congressional staffers and Representatives about H.R. 235 the Veteran Emergency Medical Technician Support Act of 2013, asking them to support it.

National Association of Heavy Equipment Training Schools

The National Association of Heavy Equipment Training Schools (NAHETS) founded 2005, is an association of heavy equipment operator training schools in the United States.

National Association of Photoshop Professionals

The National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) is a Kelby Media Group company founded by Scott Kelby and has more than 75,000 members worldwide.


In March 2012, shortly after NeighborCity provided the public performance rankings of National Association of Realtors members, Metropolitan Regional Information Systems filed a civil lawsuit against AHRN/NeighborCity claiming copyright violations by using MLS real estate listing information to craft its realtor-rating database.

Peter Hollingworth

Hollingworth stepped down from his positions as the Brisbane Lions' No 1 ticket holder, patron of Barnardos, Kids First Foundation and the National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect.

Phil Garthwaite

He is also a farmer manager and member of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting and the National Dairy Shrine.

Sonia Nieto

She has won several awards in her field, most notably the 1997 Multicultural Educator of the Year award from the National Association for Multicultural Education, the 2005 Educator of the Year Award from the National Council of Teachers of English, and honorary doctorates from Lesley University (1999), Bridgewater State College (2004), and DePaul University (2007).

Ti-Hua Chang

Chang is also the recipient of five Emmys, Press Association awards in Philadelphia, Denver, Detroit and New York, AP and UPI awards, and Asian American Journalists Associationand National Association of Black Journalists awards.

Toni Reis

Toni Reis (born in 1964) is the president of the Brazilian LGBT organisation called Grupo Dignidade, the general secretary of the national association of Gays, Lesbians and Transsexuals in Brasil (Associação Brasileira de Gays, Lésbicas e Transgêneros / ABGLT) of which he was a founding president in 1995, and a member of the international council of the Hirschfeld Eddy Foundation.

Turn Left

NASCAR, or the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, a motorsport where participants largely turn left.

Wilbur Breslin

Active in real estate development, leasing and brokerage for over 45 years, Breslin is an active member of the National Association of Real Estate Boards, the National Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, the International Council of Shopping Centers, the National Association of Real Counselors and the National Association of Review Appraisers.

William J. Baroody, Jr.

Baroody's brothers include Michael Baroody, a corporate lobbyist, and Joseph Baroody, a former leader of the National Association of Arab Americans.

William W. Hannan

William Washington Hannan (July 4, 1854 – December 24, 1917) was a real estate developer and the first president of the National Association of Real Estate Exchanges (now National Association of Realtors).