
2 unusual facts about National Association of Professional Base Ball Players

National Association

National Association of Professional Base Ball Players (1871–1875), regarded by baseball historians as the first professional baseball league.

National Association of Professional Base Ball Players

In this way, their name parallels the PCL's Hollywood Stars or the National Basketball Association's Brooklyn Nets, teams that represented a distinct neighborhood or borough of a city that was already represented in the same league with another team.

Bobby Mathews

On May 4, 1871 in Fort Wayne, Indiana, he pitched a shutout in the inaugural game of the National Association of Professional Base Ball Players (NA), the first professional league.

Cleveland Forest Citys

In 1871 the Forest Citys joined the first professional league, the National Association.

Salisbury Indians

The team appealed, first to William G. Bramham, president of the National Association, then to Kenesaw Mountain Landis, Commissioner of Baseball, but the ruling stood.

Silver Flint

He began his career at age 19 with the St. Louis Red Stockings of the National Association, and he played one year for the Indianapolis Blues before joining the Chicago White Stockings in 1879, where he would remain for the rest of his playing career, eleven seasons almost exclusively as a catcher.

see also