
unusual facts about National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens

Exbury Gardens

Exbury holds the national collection of Nyssa (Tupelo) and Oxydendrum under the NCCPG National Plant Collection scheme run by the National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens.

Buddleja davidii 'Opera'

David Stuart, former curator of the NCCPG national collection of Buddleja at Longstock Park Nursery, England, rated 'Opera' third in the pink Buddleja league, behind 'Pink Delight' and 'Border Beauty'.

Buddleja davidii 'Panache'

A specimen is grown at the Longstock Park Nursery as part of the NCCPG national collection of Buddleja.

Buddleja davidii 'White Bouquet'

A specimen is grown as part of the NCCPG national collection held by Longstock Park Nursery in the UK.

Buddleja davidii 'White Wings'

A specimen is grown as part of the NCCPG national buddleja collection held by Longstock Park Nursery in the UK.

see also