
7 unusual facts about National World War II Memorial

Antonella Barba

These included photos of her posing in a wet t-shirt in the fountain of the National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C..

Honor Flight

Currently these organizations are focused on bringing veterans of World War II to the National World War II Memorial, and any veteran with a terminal illness to see the memorial of the war they fought in.

Lita Talarico

A founding associate of Bill Lacy Design, she coordinated architect selection competitions and conferences for the Cleveland Museum of Art; National World War II Memorial Design Competition; International Design Conference in Aspen; Italian Manifesto Conference; and the Pritzker Architecture Prize annual jury meeting.

National World War II Memorial

Kaptur introduced the World War II Memorial Act to the House of Representatives as HR 3742 on December 10.

Additional large donations were made by veterans' groups, including the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge and others.

Presidential Classroom

During each one-week visit, students tour different sites in DC, including the State Department, the Capitol, the Supreme Court, Mount Vernon, Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, World War II Memorial, and various advocacy organizations, such as the NRA, RNC, DNC, and ACLU

Rainbow Pool

It was replaced in 2001 by the National World War II Memorial, which also features a smaller reflecting pool located in roughly the same spot.

Iva Toguri D'Aquino

On January 15, 2006, the World War II Veterans Committee (sponsors of the Memorial Day Parade in Washington D.C. and the National World War II Memorial, the newest monument on the National Mall), citing "her indomitable spirit, love of country, and the example of courage she has given her fellow Americans", awarded Toguri its annual Edward J. Herlihy Citizenship Award.

see also