For Out, she visited a pathology autopsy class at a university but was not able to view a real corpse.
She is most famous for her 1997 novel, Out, which received the Mystery Writers of Japan Award, Japan's top mystery award, and was a finalist (in English translation) for the 2004 Edgar Award.
Kirino's works, such as Out, asks the reader what he/she would do if something awful happened to her/him.
Many critics challenged and criticized Kirino for her storylines, especially for Out, by saying women should only be writing love stories.
In addition to comparisons with hardboiled crime fiction, Kirino's work has been compared with horror fiction (the gruesome dismemberment scenes in Out, for example) and proletarian literature such as Kanikōsen.
Auto (Tokyo: Kodansha, 1997); English translation by Stephen Snyder as Out (New York: Kodansha, 2003; New York: Vintage, 2005)