
unusual facts about Naturalis

Herman the Bull

Together with cloned cows named Holly and Belle, he lived out his retirement at Naturalis, the National Museum of Natural History in Leiden.

Arnold Boate

In 1641 Gerard and Arnold co-wrote Philosophia Naturalis Reformata, an attack upon Aristotelianism.

Durham University Library

The collection contains a number of pre-18th century along with 16th and 17th century works, including Aristotle's Totius naturalis philosophiae Aristotelis paraphrases and Galen's De sanitate tuenda alongside Vidius's Chirurgia and Estienne's De Dissectione.

Historia naturalis palmarum

Historia naturalis palmarum was based on Martius' travels in Brazil and Peru with zoologist Johann Baptist von Spix from 9 December 1817 to 1820.

Natural logarithm

Pietro Mengoli and Nicholas Mercator called it logarithmus naturalis a few decades before Newton and Leibniz developed calculus.

Naturalis historia

For Naturalis historia, the natural history by Pliny the Elder see Natural History (Pliny).

Pearl Maxima

Since its arrival in the Netherlands it has been on display only twice; the most recent time was from 19 December 2008 until 23 February 2009 in the National Museum of Natural History "Naturalis" in Leiden, the Netherlands.

Rudolf van Eecke

In 1916 (Leidsch Jaarboekje 1917) he became a conservator at the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie now merged with Rijksmuseum van Geologie en Mineralogie as Naturalis, where he worked on Lepidoptera.

Stephen Donovan

Stephen Kenneth Donovan FLS (born 3 June 1954) is a British paleaontogolist, who is at Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Macroinvertebrates, Nederlands Centrum voor Biodiversiteit - Naturalis (formerly Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum.

Theatrum Chemicum

Johannes Grasseus alias Chortalasseus, Arca arcani artificiosissimi de summis naturae mysteriis. Constructa ex rustico majore et minore, et physica naturalis rotunda visionem cabalisticum chemicam descripta, quibus accessit appendix anonymi cuiusdam philosophi de via ad aurum potabile perveniendi

see also