
6 unusual facts about Natzweiler

Josef Kramer

He was chosen to be an anatomical specimen, shipped to Natzweiler-Struthof and murdered in the gas chamber in August 1943 -->

Kramer served as commandant of Natzweiler-Struthof, the only concentration camp established by the Nazis on present-day French territory, though there were French-run transit camps such as the one at Drancy.


The collection was sanctioned by Reichsführer of the SS Heinrich Himmler, and under the direction of August Hirt with Rudolf Brandt and Wolfram Sievers, general manager of the Ahnenerbe, being responsible for procuring and preparing the corpses.

The deaths of 86 of these inmates was, in the words of Hirt, "induced" at a jury rigged gassing facility at Natzweiler-Struthof and their corpses, 57 men and 29 women, were sent to Strasbourg.

Two anthropologists, who were both members of the SS, Dr. Hans Fleischhacker and Bruno Beger, along with Wolf-Dietrich Wolff, were accused of making selections at Auschwitz of Jewish prisoners for Dr. Hirt's collection of 'racial types', a project which created the Jewish skeleton collection.

Wanda Hjort Heger

During her weekly visits to Sachsenhausen she learned that some of the Norwegian prisoners had been transported to the Natzweiler as Nacht und Nebel prisoners.

KZ Walldorf

The labour camp was a satellite camp of the concentration camp Natzweiler-Struthof in Alsace and existed in the period from 23 August to 24 November 1944 near the village of Walldorf.

see also