The black-tailed white morph is similar, but with a black tail, and can easily be confused with the Nazca and Masked Boobies.
Nazca | Masked Booby | Blue-footed Booby | Nazca Booby | Red-footed Booby | Nazca Province | Nazca Lines | Booby Dupes | Nazca Ridge | Booby trap | booby trap | Booby | booby | blue-footed booby |
Daphne is home to a variety of other birds including Galápagos Martins, Blue-footed Booby, Nazca Booby, Short-eared Owls, Red-billed Tropicbirds and Magnificent Frigatebirds.
The closely related Masked and Nazca Boobies (Masked Booby and Nazca Booby) are both obligately siblicidal species, while the Blue-footed Booby is a facultatively siblicidal species.