
2 unusual facts about Nekron


At the conclusion of the miniseries Brightest Day, Swamp Thing appears, grown to towering size and emerging from the forest at the former heart of Star City, which has become corrupted.

Nekron and his Black Lanterns bring the subdued Guardians to a clearing where the same symbol that was seen on Professor Zoom's chest is drawn in what appears to be blood.


Nekron |


He has granted power to his cult, the Sons of Satannish, and struck a pact with the human sorcerer Lord Nekron, first encountering Doctor Strange during this affair.


Stel serves the Green Lantern Corps through many of its battles, including a breakout from the Prison Planet of the Guardians of the Universe, an invasion by Qwardians, an attack by the alliance of Nekron, Lord of the Unliving, and the rogue Guardian Krona.

see also