Nepenthes izumiae may also bear a resemblance to N. bongso and N. ovata, but both of these species have entirely infundibular upper pitchers and often have spathulate laminae with glabrous margins.
In the wild, N. izumiae is known to form natural hybrids with N. dubia and N. jacquelineae.
A single mature female plant of N. dubia × N. izumiae grows along the summit trail on Mount Talakmau.
Nepenthes clipeata | Nepenthes bokorensis | Nepenthes | Nepenthes rajah | Nepenthes mantalingajanensis | Nepenthes klossii | Nepenthes faizaliana | Nepenthes epiphytica | Nepenthes abgracilis | Nepenthes rigidifolia | Nepenthes mira | Nepenthes khasiana | Nepenthes kerrii | Nepenthes deaniana | Nepenthes cid | Nepenthes aristolochioides | Nepenthes viridis | Nepenthes ovata | Nepenthes mirabilis | Nepenthes spathulata | Nepenthes rhombicaulis | Nepenthes pitopangii | Nepenthes × kinabaluensis | Nepenthes holdenii | Nepenthes × harryana | Nepenthes dubia | Nepenthes burbidgeae | Nepenthes bellii | A skeletal revision of ''Nepenthes'' (Nepenthaceae) | ''Nepenthes smilesii'' from Kirirom National Park |