Despite this, Matthew Jebb and Martin Cheek did not distinguish the East Malaysian plants from N. pilosa in their monograph published the same year.
Nepenthes clipeata | Nepenthes bokorensis | Nepenthes | Nepenthes rajah | Nepenthes mantalingajanensis | Nepenthes klossii | Nepenthes faizaliana | Nepenthes epiphytica | Nepenthes abgracilis | Nepenthes rigidifolia | Nepenthes mira | Nepenthes khasiana | Nepenthes kerrii | Nepenthes deaniana | Nepenthes cid | Nepenthes aristolochioides | Nepenthes viridis | Nepenthes ovata | Nepenthes mirabilis | ''Castilleja pilosa'' var. ''steenensis'' | Castilleja pilosa | Nepenthes spathulata | Nepenthes rhombicaulis | Nepenthes pitopangii | Nepenthes × kinabaluensis | Nepenthes holdenii | Nepenthes × harryana | Nepenthes dubia | Nepenthes burbidgeae | Nepenthes bellii |