
unusual facts about Nephi, son of Lehi

Joseph Smith: The Making of a Prophet

The rivalry between Nephi and his older brothers Laman and Lemuel represents a rivalry between Smith and his brothers.


Nephi, a name use by several people and places in the Book of Mormon

Nephi Hannemann

Nephi's brother is Mufi Hannemann the 12th Mayor of City and County of Honolulu.

Nephi, son of Helaman

In 91 ROJ (1 BC), Nephi turned "the plates of brass, and all the records which had been kept, and all those things which had been kept sacred from the departure of Lehi out of Jerusalem" over to his eldest son, also named Nephi.

Nephi, son of Lehi

In Phoenician and Aramaic inscriptions of Egyptian names containing nfr, the nfr element is rendered npy, and the closely related Hebrew language would presumably transcribe the name the same way.

Nephi, Utah

Brandon Flowers, of The Killers lived in Nephi from age 8 until his junior year in Juab High School.

Oakland California Temple

Within the front garden courtyard there is a statue of children in front of a bronze plaque bearing a scripture from 3 Nephi 17, from the Book of Mormon, telling how Christ blessed the children during his visit to the people of ancient America.

Robert M. Cundick

Cundick has written many vocal works, such as the cantata The Song of Nephi, as well as The Redeemer (widely viewed has his most significant work), an oratorio with the text selected by Brigham Young University professor Ralph Woodward.

The Record of Zeniff

Following Lehi's death, his older sons, Laman and Lemuel, rebelled against their younger brother Nephi, who had been appointed by their father as their leader.


The Walker War ended through an understanding personally negotiated between Young and Walkara during the winter of 1853 and finalized in May 1854 in Levan, near Nephi, Utah.

see also